
Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

Readius: Ponsel layar gulung

Ternyata yang bisa digulung bukan hanya bolu atau kasur, tapi juga layar ponsel. Readius Mobile merupakan prototipe perangkat mobile pertama dengan layar gulung. Satu keunggulan teknologi layar gulung ini adalah ukuran perangkat dapat dibuat lebih kecil dari layarnya

Ternyata yang bisa digulung bukan hanya bolu atau kasur, tapi juga layar ponsel. Readius Mobile merupakan prototipe perangkat mobile pertama dengan layar gulung. Satu keunggulan teknologi layar gulung ini adalah ukuran perangkat dapat dibuat lebih kecil dari layarnya. Untuk Readius sendiri, layarnya mencapai 5 inci tapi karena bisa digulung, ukuran bodi perangkatnya lebih kecil dari layar. Sedangkan untuk layar, meskipun besar, sementara ini hanya monokrom sehingga hanya dapat menampilkan teks dan gambar. Dan Readius diposisikan sebagai perangkat e-book reader dengan kemampuan komunikasi.

Perusahaan pembuatnya, Polymer Vision, berasal dari Belanda dan merupakan salah satu bagian dari Philips. Visi jangka panjangnya adalah memasukkan layar gulung ke semua perangkat mobile, jadi tak terbatas hanya mereknya. Sepertinya lebih menguntungkan ya, dari pada susah-susah jualan ponsel yang belum tentu laris. :D


Weight : One third the average weight of e-readers (115g)
Display size : Twice the surface area of current largest phone display
(5” diagonal, 16 greyscales)
Device size : Equal to an average mobile phone when closed (115 x 57 x 21mm)
Battery life : Up to six times longer than on mobile phones (30 hours continues
Connectivity : Greatest coverage of any e-reader (Tri Band/3G HSDPA)

Supporting ActiveSync and USB mass storage (USB 2.0)
Communication with accessories and other devices(Bluetooth 2.0)
Processor :Powerful processing engine (ARM11 400MHz)
Storage :Flexible, today commercially available up to 8GB(High Capacity Micro SD)
User Interface:Just 8 buttons (SimpleTouch Buttons)

Source: Polymer Vision via gsmarena


Nih dia Gadget yang gw idam-idamkan..biar mobile gitu

BlackBerry tampaknya makin populer dan berhasil menciptakan segmentasi sendiri. Perusahaan Kanada Research In Motion (RIM) mengumumkan jumlah pengguna smart-phone mereka akan menjadi 14 juta orang di dunia hingga kwartal pertama yang berakhir 1 Maret mendatang.

Pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1999, BlackBerry adalah perangkat genggam nirkabel (wireless handheld device) yang mendukung kemampuan layanan e-mail gegas (push-mail), telepon bergerak, pesan pendek, faksimili Internet, berselancar Internet dan berbagai kemampuan nirkabel lainnya.

BlackBerry masuk ke pasar pertama kali dengan memfokuskan diri pada layanan e-mail gegas.

Di Indonesia, layanan dan handheld BlackBerry sudah ditawarkan oleh tiga operator besar yakni Indosat, Telkomsel dan Excelcom. Namun baru Indosat dan Excelcom yang menawarkan paket individual (ritel), selain paket enterprise.

Sumber: Business Week via Info BlackBerry

Nokia 7900 Crystal Prism

Sebentar lagi NOKIA akan mengeluarkan produk barunya yang dinamakan NOKIA 7900 Crystal Prism.Asli manis banget designnya tapi harganya berapa yah..?? hehe maklum budget terbatas
Untuk Specnya boleh di lihat-lihat

Frekuensi operasi :

* GSM quadband 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
* WCDMA 850/2100 MHz

Fitur utama

* Salah satu cover belakang ponsel yang didesain oleh artis Frédérique Daubal.
* Kristal safir yang berkilau dan eksklusif sebagai tombol navi tengah.
* Hadir dengan aksesoris ultra-trendi dan fashionable yang meliputi kantung dan
* Warna yang mempesona, vibrant dan vivid dengan layar OLED berteknologi tinggi.
* 49 warna untuk dipilih dari keymat yang dikustomisasi dan lampu peringatan yang
* Wallpaper organik, hidup yang menyesuaikan mood Anda untuk tampilan yang unik.


* Volume: 55.0 cc
* Berat: 101.0 g
* Panjang: 112.0 mm
* Lebar: 45.0 mm
* Tebal: 11.3 mm

Kamera dan video

* Kamera 2 megapiksel terintegrasi dengan 8x zoom digital
* Modus flash: on, off, dan otomatis
* Perekaman dan playback video dalam formatdan codec QCIF, 3GPP, H.263, dan MPEG-4

* Browser multimode WAP* 2.0 xHTML/HTML
* OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) DRM (digital rights management) 2.0 untuk download.


* Bluetooth 2.0
* Konektor microUSB untuk isi ulang dan transfer data dengan USB 2.0
* Sinkronisasi data SyncML lokal dan jarak jauh

Nada dering dan wallpaperjavascript:void(0)
Mempublikasikan Posting

* Format file yang didukung: nada dering MP3, video, AAC, dan 64-nada/suara MIDI
* 2 statik baru & 2 allpaper hidup baru yang didesain oleh Frédérique Daubal

Memori built-in 1 GB

NEXTO 2325

Sekarang ada kemudahan buat teman-teman yang suka foto-foto saat lagi liburan, ngak perlu lagi kerepotan untuk nyimpan data. Sekarang ada produk namanya NEXTO yang bisa buat langsung nyimpen data. Tinggal masukin aja ke card reader nya trus di save dah.
hehe..enak kan
Untuk Referensi aku posting untuk produk NEXTO 2325 High Capacity with 2-way Copy.
Untuk Spec + Harganya :

High Capacity with 2-way Copy
USB + USB OTG Interface
Integrated CF/SD/MMC/Memory Stick
Batere Internal untuk 40gb data transfer
Blue Black Lit LCD
Garansi 1 Tahun

Harga Tanpa Hard Disk : 1,050,000

Harga Hard Disk (Garansi 2 Tahun)

40gb : 490,000
80gb : 700,000
120gb : 925,000
160gb : 1,500,000


Bus Sekolah beroperasi lagi dengan dana APBD 2008

Jakarta - Rencana Pemprov DKI Jakarta untuk mengoperasikan bus sekolah kembali akan segera terwujud. Kendala anggaran yang semula menjadi masalah utama, kini teratasi dengan adanya rencana pemprov untuk memasukkan program sekolah dalam pembiayaan berkelanjutan.

"Bus sekolah, penyeberangan laut, dan pemeliharaan lampu lalu lintas masuk dalam pembiayaan berkelanjutan (multi years),"kata Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Prijanto di Balaikota, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (29/2/2008).

Menurut Prijanto, pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya bus sekolah, penyeberangan laut dan pemeliharaan lampu lalu lintas tidak masuk dalam pembiayaan berkelanjutan. Namun, untuk tahun ini program tersebut dimasukkan agar pelayanan tidak terputus.

Untuk sementara, agar pengoperasian bus sekolah dapat tetap berjalan, pemprov akan menggunakan dana dari Biro Keuangan.

"Dalam waktu dekat dapat segera dioperasikan," imbuhnya.

Sementara Kepala Biro Keuangan, Syauki Yahya, mengatakan, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo telah memasukkan pembiayaan bus sekolah dalam percepatan pencairan APBD 2008. Sehingga, menurut Syauki, pengoperasian bus sekolah akan menggunakan dana APBD 2008.

"Melalui SK nomor 37 yang merupakan revisi dari SK 108, Gubernur memerintahkan agar segera disediakan dana untuk mengoperasikan bus sekolah,"ujar Syauki.

Terkait adanya proses lelang yang harus diikuti oleh pemprov, Syauki menuturkan akan menggunakan nilai kontrak pada tahun 2007. Mekanisme pembayaran termasuk biaya operasional akan dilakukan setiap bulan.

"Selanjutnya, akan dianggarkan untuk pembiayaan berkelanjutan," ujarnya.

Dia menambahkan, Biro Keuangan kini tengah menunggu rincian pembiayaan bus sekolah dari Dishub DKI Jakarta.
sumber : Nadhifa Putri - detikcom


Maret 2008 PLN Menerapkan Insentif/Dis- Insentif

Mulai April tagihan listrik Anda bisa lebih kecil dari biasanya atau malah
lebih besar, tergantung pemakaian listrik Anda. Begini aturannya :

1. Insentif, diberikan ke pelanggan yang bisa berhemat lebih dari 20% dari rata-rata nasional pemakaian listrik per bulan.
2. Dis-insentif, diberikan ke pelanggan yang tidak berhemat, yaitu pemakaian listrik lebih besar dari 80% dari rata-rata nasional pemakaian
listrik per bulan.

Ini lebih jelasnya:

Misal pemakaian rata-rata nasional 100 kWh, so nilai hematnya di 80
kWh...maksudnya kalau konsumsi anda dibawah 80 kWh/bulan so Anda dapat
insentif, Tapi kalau konsumsi listrik Anda di atas 80 kWh so Anda dapat

Gimana perhitungan insentif dan dis-insentifnya?

a. Insentif = 0.2 x kWh yg dihemat x T *)

b. Dis-insentif = 1.6 x kelebihan kWh x T *)

*) T= tarif listrik tertinggi di golongan tertentu (liat di rekening
listrik anda)

Pemakaian listrik rata-rata nasional utk pelanggan rumah tangga per bulan:

a. R-1 450 VA = 74.76 kWh
b. R-1 900 VA = 115.48 kWh
c. R-1 1300 VA = sekitar 195 kWh (belum dapat data pasti)

Program ini diberlakukan pada golongan pelanggan:
1. Rumah tangga
2. Bisnis (kecuali di atas 200 kVA)
3. Pemerintah

Tapi, bocoran dikit ni... Buat kita-kita yang di daerah Jakarta kemungkinan
besar kena dis-insentif, karena rata-rata pemakaian listrik yang dipakai
adalah rata-rata nasional. So kalau pemakaian listrik Jakarta dirata-ratain
ama pemakaian daerah lain yah.. kecenderungannya lebih besar... Betul?
(sebenere ini kenaikan harga listrik yang dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga
nampak bukan seperti kenaikan harga... hehehe pinter yah PLN...) Tapi ini
adalah efek dari pengurangan subsidi yang diberikan Pemerintah (tahun 2008
subsidi untuk PLN dikurangi 10 T...PLN...).


Trisakti Career Expo @ JobStreet.Com 4-6 Maret 2008

Ayo kesempatan buat yang mo nyari kerjaan atau cari kerjaan baru, Trisakti Career Expo

Trisakti Career Expo @ JobStreet.Com
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa-Kamis, 4 – 6 Maret 2008
Waktu : 08.30 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Gelanggang Mahasiswa Trisakti
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1 – Grogol Jakarta Barat

Undangan dapat diperoleh di lokasi Informasi acara silahkan hubungi:

Diselenggarakan oleh :
Maxi Organizer
Telp : (62-21) 32800588 / 92030878
Email :

Bekerjasama dengan :
PT JobStreet Indonesia
Telp : (62-21) 3903218
Email :


Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

Selamat Jalan Bang Gito Rollies

INNALILLAHI WA INNA ILAIHI ROJI'UN , Telah berpulang dengan tenang artis yang saya idolakan bukan hanya dari lagu-lagunya tapi juga dengan kehidupan pribadinya yang penuh dengan warna.Selamat jalan Bang Gito..Semoga Abang tenang menghadap sang Ilahi.
Ya Rabb terimalah arwah Bang Gito dengan rahmat Mu .

Pelayat terus berdatangan ke rumah almarhum Gito Rollies di Rempoa, Bintaro, Tangerang. Para musisi, artis, dan selebritis melayat dan mendoakan mantan rocker itu.

Islamic book Fair 2008

Alhamdulillah akhirnya Pameran yang di tunggu-tunggu datang lagi..Islamic Book Fair 2008.Untuk detail jadwal acaranya :

3 s.d 11 Maret 2007
Istora Senayan Jakarta.

10:00-12:00 WIB Pembukaan 6th Islamic Book Fair 2007
13:00-15:00 WIB Talkshow Melatih SQ Anak melalui Media Bersama Ust. Arsil Ibrahim
16:00-18:00 WIB Launching Buku dan Talkshow
19:00-21:00 WIB Perempuan, dari Cinta sampai Seks, dari Nikah Mut'ah sampai Nikah Sunnah, dari Bias Lama sampai Bias Baru. Pemakalah : M. Quraish Shihab

10:00-12:00 WIB Launching Buku : Selamatkan Islam dari Muslim Puritan
13:00-15:00 WIB - Launching Buku & Talkshow Bersama Neno Warisman - Mewujudkan Jakarta dengan Syariah
16:00-18:00 WIB Kebangkitan Zionis di Indonesia - Pembicara: Hery Nurdi, Pembedah: Rizki Ridyasmara

10:00-12:00 WIB Field Trip - Lomba Anak
13:00-15:00 WIB Semifinal Festival Nasyid
16:00-18:00 WIB Indahnya SYariah dalam Pendidikan "Tantangan Pendidikan Anak Islam di Era Globalisasi"

10:00-12:00 WIB Field Trip - Lomba Anak
13:00-15:00 WIB Semifinal Festival Nasyid
16:00-18:00 WIB Indahnya Syariah dalam Kepribadian "Aku Seorang Muslimah" Bersama : Ratih Sang, Mediana Hutomo
19:00-21:00 WIB Talkshow Lebih Dekat dengan Majalah Tatsqif, Dr. Amir Faishol Fath

RABU, 7 MARET 2007
10:00-12:00 WIB Field Trip - Lomba Anak
13:00-15:00 WIB Sejarah Penerapan Syariah Islam di Indonesia Bersama Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia
16:00-18:00 WIB Indahnya Syariah dalam Ekonomi Keluarga "Mengatasi Masalah tanpa Masalah secara Syariah" Bersama Ahmad Gozali
19:00-21:00 WIB Open Your Mind to be Success
Bintang Tamu : Ust Syahrul Syah

10:00-12:00 WIB Field Trip - Lomba Anak
13:00-15:00 WIB Indahnya Syariah dalam Seni dan Budaya "Saya Seniman Islam" Bersama Rano Karno dan Yana Julio
16:00-18:00 WIB Bedah Buku : Poligami, Solusi Masalah
19:00-21:00 WIB Final Festival Nasyid IBF 2007

10:00-12:00 WIB Kreasi Anak Muslim ; Workshop Ayo Berkreasi Muslim
13:00-15:00 WIB Final Cerdas Cermat IBF 2007
16:00-18:00 WIB - 14 Langkah Membangun Kerajaan Bisnis Rasulullah oleh Prof. Dr. Laude kamaludin - Talkshow "Makin Cantik Aja" Pembicara: Teh Ninih (Ummu Ghaidah Muthmainah)
19:00-21:00 WIB Talkshow Majalah Gontor "Boarding School" KH.Abd.Syukri Zarkasi

SABTU, 10 MARET 2007
10:00-12:00 WIB Launching dan Bedah Buku Hikmah dari Langit Bersama : Ust Yusuf Mansur, Budi Handrianto
13:00-15:00 WIB Talkshow dan Launching Buku Diari Permata Hati - Pembicara : Ery Soekresno, Ummi Kulsum
16:00-18:00 WIB Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Sastra) - Pembicara Habiburrahman El Shirazy
19:00-21:00 WIB Talkshow Buku: Shalat Pengobatan dan Penyembuhan

10:00-12:00 WIB Wanita, Jodoh, Poligami dan Perselingkuhan Pembicara Ustadz Hartono Ahmad
13:00-15:00 WIB Bedah Buku: Fiqh Sunnah untuk Wanita Bersama : Farid Dhofir
16:00-18:00 WIB Pagelaran (Konser) Festival Nasyid
19:00-21:00 WIB Tausiyah dan Talkshow KH. Abd. Gymnastiar (AA Gym)



Sekarang buat para pecinta IT ada kabar gembira dengan kehadiran satu laptop murah keluaran zyrex.harag yang di bandroll kisaran 3 jutaan.semoga aja yang udah pada pengen punya laptop tapi budget masih kurang bisa mewujudkan impiannya.Produk Lokal bro..ayo kita support..
Untuk Spec nya :

Technical Specification ANOA

Intel® Mobile Processor ULV 900Mhz
Cache Memory
Zero L2 Cache, 400Mhz FSB
Main Memory
Memory Socket
2x USB 2.0 ports
1 x headphone jack / 1 x microphone
1 x RJ45 for 10/100 Fast Ethernet
1x Card Reader
1 xDC-in jack
Video Subsystem
Integrated mobile Intel 915GM Express Chipset Family
Audio Subsystem
Integrated Stereo 2 channel Audio,
2GB NAND Flash
Optical Devices
Network Interface
10/100 MBps LAN on board
WLAN 802.11 b/g w/ Antenna
Customized Mini Chasis 245 x 196 x 44
7” 800 x 480 LVDS, Interface, LED B/L
77 keys
Cycle Touch Pad with left and right buttons
Built-in 2 speakers
Operating System Option
Windows XP PRo/Linux
One year limited



Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

22-23 Maret '08

A1 = PSYCHO X DUABELAS (Custom Toys & Diorama)
A2 & A3 = 10 COMICS
A4, A5, C35, C36, C37 = LEGO
B4 & B5 = Ballistic Battlegrounds (Warhammer)
B6 & C24 = SHINRA
B9 = DOLANANKU (Die-Cast Cars)
B10 = MAJORETTE (Die-Cast Cars)
B12 & B13 = FANTASY & GAMES (Warhammer)
B17 = KOMIKINDO (Indonesian Comics)
C2 = B.U.A.S.A.P.
C5 = PLASTIC PIMP - Bandung
C12 = CREATIVE 3D (Styrofoam Life Size Statue)
C13 = still available
C14 = VIRLAND - Bandung
C19 = still available
C20 = still availale
C21 = ORANGE - Pontianak
C22 = still available
C25 & C26 = FUMAN
C28 = I HATE TOYS (Urban & Designer Toys)
C29, C33, C34 = TOYZAHOLIC
C30 = TOY+ - Bandung
C31 = ZERO - Bandung
C39 = LESTARI BOOKS (Gotham Comics)
C40 = CAPSULE CORP. - Surabaya
C43 = HOUSE OF FIGURE - Semarang
C45 = STRATEGOS UTOPIA (Board Games)
C46 = HOBBY LINE - Bandung
C47 = still available
C49 = still available
C50 = still available
C53 & C54 = TOYMAGZ - Surabaya
C57, C58, C63, C64 = GOODGUYSNEVERWIN (Custom &

D1 = THE BIG CHUBBS (BBQ Grill Burger & Hotdog)
D2 = KYO DRINKS (Bubble Tea)
D3 = SYAILENDRA (Indonesian Food)



Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Meski Rating Melorot, They Kiss Again Masih Nomor Satu

Ada yang lucu dengan tingkah Istri sekarang , bela-belain tidur malam buat nungguin film " They Kissing again " hehe..makanya jadi tertarik buat posting artikelnya disini

Taiwan - Perkiraan kalau They Kiss Again yang telah dinanti banyak orang bakal memecahkan rekor rating serial idola alias ouxiangju makin mendekati kenyataan, karena kisah yang dibintangi oleh Ariel Lin dan Joe Cheng tersebut masih menempati urutan teratas untuk rating.

Namun melihat promosi yang gencar dilakukan, tidak mengherankan bila serial yang juga menghadirkan Jiro Wang itu sukses. Salah satunya yang paling unik adalah kerja sama dengan salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi Taiwan, yang mencetak foto Ariel dan Joe di kertas tagihan telepon yang dikirimkan ke pelanggan mereka.

Namun ada satu fakta yang cukup mengejutkan, yaitu merosotnya rating They Kiss Again di episode terakhirnya. Banyak yang iseng menyebut bahwa semua itu disebabkan oleh tidak adanya adegan 'panas' antara Yuan Xiang Qin dan Jiang Zhi Shu yang begitu menghebohkan di episode pembuka.

Tidak main-main, diperkirakan ouxiangju tersebut turun sekitar 0.55 meski masih tetap berada di puncak. Secara statistik, angka tersebut berarti They Kiss Again kehilangan sekitar 48 juta pemirsa di waktu tersebut.

Kuat dugaan bahwa angka tersebut bakal kembali merangkak naik, pasalnya para pemeran They Kiss Again bakal melanjutkan promosi tahap kedua di bulan Februari 2008 alias setelah Ariel kembali dari RRC setelah menuntaskan syuting Legend of Condor Heroes.

Berada di posisi kedua setelah They Kiss Again adalah Bull Fighting, yang kedua pemeran utamanya Mike He dan Hebe personil SHE sibuk bekerja keras untuk mendongkel pesaing terberatnya dari posisi puncak. Bahkan, Hebe sempat jatuh sakit akibat terlalu sibuk syuting. Duh kasihan

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

Virus "Dinda Dewi"

Kembali virus lokal menyeruak di ranah komputer Indonesia . Virus ini menginjeksi file gambar JPG dan menyebabkan komputer yang terinfeksi menjadi berat.
Adalah Sang Perawan alias Dinda Dewi,

Kembali virus lokal menyeruak di ranah komputer Indonesia . Virus ini menginjeksi file gambar JPG dan menyebabkan komputer yang terinfeksi menjadi berat.

Adalah Sang Perawan alias Dinda Dewi, virus ini sebenarnya merupakan virus lama yang pernah muncul di pertengahan tahun 2007, tetapi pada awal tahun 2008 muncul beberapa variannya. Celakanya, mayoritas antivirus mancanegara maupun antivirus lokal tak mampu mendeteksi virus ini dengan baik sehingga Sang Perawan pun leluasa wara-wiri sampai hari ini.

Menurut keterangan tertulis Vaksincom yang diterima detikINET, Jumat ( 22/2/2008 ), Sang Perawan sudah menelurkan 2 varian. Varian pertama virus ini dikenal sebagai W32/Dewi.161081A, sedangkan varian keduanya dikenali sebagai VBTroj.GZH. Kedua virus ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Visual Basic. Varian pertama virus ini berukuran 301 KB, sedangkan varian keduanya berukuran 96 KB.

Untuk mengelabui user, kedua virus menyamar sebagai file image dengan menggunakan icon gambar (JPG). Tetapi jika file ditampilkan secara detail (View - Detail), file ini justru bertipe "Application". Pada saat virus ini aktif, kedua varian akan membuat beberapa file yang akan dijalankan setiap kali komputer dinyalakan.

Blok Fungsi Windows

Tidak seperti kebanyakan virus yang menyebar, varian pertama Sang Perawan (W32/Dewi.161081. A) tidak akan melakukan blok terhadap fungsi Windows sehingga lebih mudah untuk menghentikan proses virus tersebut. W32/Dewi.161081. A juga tidak membuat string pada registri Windows. Untuk memastikan agar dirinya dapat aktif ia akan membuat file duplikat pada "Startup" folder.

Berbeda dengan varian pertama, varian kedua virus Sang Perawan akan melakukan blok terhadap beberapa fungsi Windows seperti Task Manager, Regedit, Folder Option, Run dan Find. Untuk memastikan agar dirinya aktif setiap kali komputer dijalankan, selain membuat file duplikat di folder "Startup", VBTroj.GZH juga akan membuat string pada beberapa registri.

Injeksi file gambar JPG

Misi utama Sang Perawan adalah menginjeksi file gambar, namun tidak semua file gambar akan diserang. File yang menjadi target untuk saat ini adalah file gambar berformat JPG (JPEG Image). Virus ini akan menambahkan kode virus ke dalam body file yang akan disisipkan di awal header file tersebut. Nantinya ukuran file yang sudah diinjeksi akan bertambah yakni sebesar 301 KB atau 96 KB dari ukuran semula, tergantung dari varian yang menginfeksi komputer.

Selain menginjeksi file JPG, kedua varian virus ini juga akan membuat file duplikat di setiap folder dan sub folder. Proses pembuatan file duplikat dan injeksi file JPG inilah yang akan menyebabkan komputer yang sudah terinfeksi menjadi berat, karena alokasi memori digunakan oleh virus ini.

Ciri-ciri file duplikat yang dibuat virus ini antara lain:

* Menggunakan icon JPEG Image (JPG)
* Ukuran file 301 KB atau 96 KB (tergantung varian virus)
* Type File "Application"
* Mempunyai nama file yang sama dengan folder / sub folder tempat file duplikat tersebut dibuat
berita:detik news


Pertunjukan Air Mancur Pesona Monas dilakukan pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu, pertunjukan pertama pada pukul 19.00 WIB, kemudian pertunjukan kedua pada pukul 20.00 WIB. Durasi pertujukan kurang lebih 30 menit.

Beberapa foto terlampir, semoga bisa menambah minat rekan-rekan untuk menyaksikan pertunjukan gratis di Monas sebagai rekreasi dalam kota yang murah meriah dan sebagai objek fotografi yang menarik.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

Concert SUM 41

Satu lagi band dunia akan singgah di Indonesia untuk mengadakan konser. Sum 41 yang baru merilis album 'Underclass Hero' siap gebrak Jakarta di bulan Mei.

Satu lagi band dunia akan singgah di Indonesia untuk mengadakan konser. Sum 41 yang baru merilis album 'Underclass Hero' siap gebrak Jakarta di bulan Mei.

Adalah MAA Promotions, promotor yang akhirnya bisa memboyong Deryck Whibley (vokal, gitaris dan penulis lagu), Steve Jocz (drum) dan Jason Mc Caslin (bass) ke ibukota. Tepatnya konser band asal Ontario, Kanada ini akan berlangsung 3 Mei 2008 di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta.

Dikutip dari rilis yang diterima detikhot, MAA Promotions yakin Sum 41 masih punya banyak penggemar di Indonesia. Band ini sempat hampir patah semangat saat gitaris mereka, Dave Bash hengkang tahun 2006.

Tapi isu bubarnya mereka tidak terwujud. Tanpa menggantikan posisi Dave dengan personel baru, Sum 41 merilis album ke-5 bertajuk 'Underclass Hero' di tahun 2007.

Sum 41 makin setia dengan aliran punk yang diusungnya. Bersiap-siap mendengarkan lagu-lagu andalan mereka Mei mendatang! Namun hingga kini pihak promotor belum menentukan harga untuk pertunjukkan besar ini. Tunggu saja!
It's so hard to say that I'm sorry I'll make everything alright
all these things that I've done now what have I become and where'd I go wrong
I dont mean to hurt just to put you first I wont tell you lies (I'm sorry)
I will stand accused with my hand on my heart, I'm just trying to say;

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
you mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done, if I could start again
I'd throw it all away, to the shadows of regrets and you would have the best of me
SUM 41 - Best Of Me

Elvis Presley , The Rock n Roll Legend

Elvis Aaron Presley, in the humblest of circumstances, was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. He and his parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee in 1948, and Elvis graduated from Humes High School there in 1953.

Elvis Aaron Presley, in the humblest of circumstances, was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in a two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. His twin brother, Jessie Garon, was stillborn, leaving Elvis to grow up as an only child. He and his parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee in 1948, and Elvis graduated from Humes High School there in 1953.

Biography Elvis’ musical influences were the pop and country music of the time, the gospel music he heard in church and at the all-night gospel sings he frequently attended, and the black R&B he absorbed on historic Beale Street as a Memphis teenager. In 1954, he began his singing career with the legendary Sun Records label in Memphis. In late 1955, his recording contract was sold to RCA Victor. By 1956, he was an international sensation. With a sound and style that uniquely combined his diverse musical influences and blurred and challenged the social and racial barriers of the time, he ushered in a whole new era of American music and popular culture.

He starred in 33 successful films, made history with his television appearances and specials, and knew great acclaim through his many, often record-breaking, live concert performances on tour and in Las Vegas. Globally, he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist. His American sales have earned him gold, platinum or multi-platinum awards for 150 different albums and singles, far more than any other artist. Among his many awards and accolades were 14 Grammy nominations (3 wins) from the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, which he received at age 36, and his being named One of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation for 1970 by the United States Jaycees. Without any of the special privileges his celebrity status might have afforded him, he honorably served his country in the U.S. Army.

His talent, good looks, sensuality, charisma, and good humor endeared him to millions, as did the humility and human kindness he demonstrated throughout his life. Known the world over by his first name, he is regarded as one of the most important figures of twentieth century popular culture. Elvis died at his Memphis home, Graceland, on August 16, 1977.

Pele , The Soccer Legend

Edison Arantes do Nascimento[2], KBE (born October 23, 1940 in Três Corações, Brazil), best known by his nickname Pelé, is a former Brazilian football player, rated by many as the greatest footballer of all time. He was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee[3] and jointly received FIFA Player of the Century chosen by officials at the organisation, shared with Diego Maradona who won the people's vote.[4]


Jim Morrison ( The Doors )

Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943 - July 3, 1971) was a singer, songwriter and poet.

Born James Douglas Morrison in Melbourne, Florida, he was the lead singer and lyricist of the popular American rock band The Doors. He was also an author of several poetry books.

Jim Morrison (December 8, 1943 - July 3, 1971) was a singer, songwriter and poet.

Born James Douglas Morrison in Melbourne, Florida, he was the lead singer and lyricist of the popular American rock band The Doors. He was also an author of several poetry books.

James Douglas Morrison was the son of George Stephen Morrison and his wife Clara Clark Morrison, both employed by the United States Navy. His father was a strict military officer, who served as an admiral. Jim was raised by his conservative parents but would grow to express drastically different views than those taught to him.

According to Jim Morrison the most important event of his life came in 1947 during a family trip in New Mexico. He described the event as follows:

"The first time I discovered death... me and my mother and father, and my grandmother and grandfather, were driving through the desert at dawn. A truckload of Indians had either hit another car or something- there were Indians scattered all over the highway, bleeding to death. I was just a kid, so I had to stay in the car while my father and grandfather went to check it out. I didn't see nothing- all I saw was funny red paint and people lying around, but I knew something was happening, because I could dig the vibrations of the people around me, and all of a sudden I realized that they didn't know what was happening any more than I did. That was the first time I tasted fear... and I do think, at that moment, the souls of those dead Indians- maybe one or two of them-were just running around, freaking out, and just landed in my soul, and I was like a sponge, ready to sit there and absorb it."

Morrison growing up, became a seeker, interested in exploring new avenues and new sensations, and led a bohemian lifestyle in California, attending UCLA, drifting about and sleeping on couches and rooftops, reading books voraciously. After graduating UCLA, Morrison read some poems to fellow student, Ray Manzarek and they both decided on the spot to start a rock band. To complete the band, two more members, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore joined the group. (The name The Doors came from an Aldous Huxley book, The Doors of Perception, in turn borrowed from a line of poetry by William Blake), "When the doors of perception are cleansed/ Things will appear as they are, Infinite". He developed a unique singing voice and a style of poetry leaning heavily on mysticism.

Jim Morrison took for himself the nickname "Mr. Mojo Risin'", an anagram of "Jim Morrison", and which he eventually used as a refrain in his final single, LA Woman. He was also called The Lizard King from a line in his famed epic poem Celebration of the Lizard, part of which appeared on the album Waiting for the Sun and which was adapted into a musical in the 1990s.
Even before The Doors formed, Morrison began consuming a variety of drugs, drank alcohol consistently, and indulged in various bacchanalia, sometimes showing up for recording sessions while inebriated (he can be heard hiccuping on the song "Five To One.") Jim Morrison's performances have influenced many, including Patti Smith. Live shows often possessed shamanistic qualities.

Morrison moved to Paris, France in March 1971 with the intention of concentrating on his writing.

Jim Morrison died in Paris, France on July 3, 1971, in his bathtub at the age of 27; many fans and biographers have speculated that the cause of death was a drug overdose, or possibly an assassination by American government authorities. Morrison remarked several times near his death that he was "number 3". Referring to himself as likely to be the third person to die mysteriously; Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin being the first two. The official report listed "heart attack" as the cause of death. Morrison is buried in the famous Le Père Lachaise Cemetery in eastern Paris: because his fans there are generally perceived as nuisances, leaving litter and graffiti behind them, it has been suggested that a new burial site will have to be found.

Some fans believe that Jim Morrison faked his death in order to escape the spotlight. Conspiracy theorists point out that Morrison's longtime girlfriend, Pamela Courson, initially told the press that Morrison was merely "very tired and resting in a hospital", that very few people had actually seen the corpse prior to its burial, and that Morrison,in the months prior to his 'death', had often talked jokingly with his bandmates about "splitting to Africa". Doors drummer, John Densmore, upon visiting Morrison's grave for the first time, is said to have remarked that it was too short. To some, Jim Morrison was a rebel, to others a rock-n-roll poet.

I am Legend Movie

I Am Legend is a 2007 post-apocalyptic science fiction horror film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It is the third feature film adaptation of Richard Matheson's 1954 novel I Am Legend, following 1964's The Last Man on Earth and 1971's The Omega Ma

I Am Legend is a 2007 post-apocalyptic science fiction horror film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It is the third feature film adaptation of Richard Matheson's 1954 novel I Am Legend, following 1964's The Last Man on Earth and 1971's The Omega Man.[1]

Smith plays virologist Robert Neville, who thinks he may be Earth's only surviving human not affected by a vicious man-made virus. He works to create a cure while living in a city inhabited by mutant victims of the airborn virus.

Warner Bros. Pictures began developing I Am Legend in 1994, and various actors and directors were attached to the project, though production was delayed due to budgetary concerns related to the script. Production began in 2006 in New York City, filming mainly on location in the city, including a $5 million scene at the Brooklyn Bridge, the most expensive scene ever filmed in the city at the time. Warner Bros. launched a tie-in comic and an online multiplayer game on Second Life as part of its marketing campaign. I Am Legend was released on December 14, 2007 in the United States. It opened to the largest ever box office for a non-Christmas film released in the U.S. during December.

After the outbreak of a lethal virus in 2009, US Army virologist Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville (Will Smith) is left as the last healthy human in New York City and possibly the entire world.

Opening in 2012, a series of flashbacks and recorded news programs reveal that in 2009 a genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, mutated into a lethal strain which rapidly infected humans and some species of animals. By the end of the year over 90% of the planet's human population died. Over 9% were infected, but did not die. These survivors degenerated into a primal state of aggression and began to react painfully to UV radiation, forcing them to hide in buildings and other dark places during the day. Less than 1% remained completely immune to the virus, but were hunted and killed by the infected or committed suicide due to their isolation until, three years after the outbreak, Robert Neville is left as what he believes to be the last healthy human in the world.

Neville's daily routine includes experimentation to find a cure for the virus and trips through a Manhattan devoid of humanity to hunt for food and supplies. He also waits each day for a response to his continuous recorded radio broadcasts, which instruct any uninfected survivors to meet him at midday at the South Street Seaport. Flashbacks reveal that his wife and daughter appear to have died in a helicopter accident during the chaotic evacuation of Manhattan, prior to the military-enforced quarantine of the island in 2009. Neville's isolation is broken only by the companionship of his dog Samantha ("Sam"), interaction with mannequins he has set up as patrons of a video store, and recordings of old news and entertainment broadcasts.

Neville seems to find a promising treatment derived from his own blood, so he sets a snare trap and captures an infected woman while an infected male watches from the shadows. Back in his laboratory, located in the basement of his heavily-fortified Washington Square Park home, Neville treats the infected woman without success. Shortly thereafter, he is ensnared in a trap similar to the one he used to capture the woman. By the time Neville escapes it is dark and he is attacked by infected dogs, one of which bites Sam (although dogs are unaffected by the airborne strain of the virus, they are still affected by the contact strain). Initially Neville brings Sam home and injects her with a strand of his serum, but when she shows signs of infection and tries to attack him Neville is forced to strangle her. The next night he goes out and recklessly attacks a group of infected. He is nearly killed, but is rescued by a pair of immune survivors, Anna (Alice Braga) and a young boy named Ethan (Charlie Tahan), who have traveled from Maryland after hearing one of his broadcasts. They take the injured Neville back to his home where Anna explains that they survived the outbreak aboard a Red Cross evacuation ship from São Paulo and are making their way to a putative survivors' camp in Bethel, Vermont.

Neville once again attempts to administer a potential cure to the infected woman in his laboratory, but the next night a group of infected, who had followed Anna and Neville back the night before, attack the house and overrun its defenses. Neville, Anna, and Ethan retreat into the basement laboratory, sealing themselves in with the woman Neville has been treating. Discovering that the last treatment has been successful, Neville draws a vial of the woman's blood and gives it to Anna. He pushes Anna and Ethan into an old coal chute, and then sacrifices himself to save their lives, using a hand grenade to kill himself and the attacking infected.

Anna and Ethan escape to Vermont, and locate the survivors' colony, where Anna hands over the cure. In the closing voice-over, she states that Neville's cure enabled humanity to survive and rebuild, establishing his legend. The movie ends with Anna quoting Bob Marley: "Three Little Birds".

In 1995, Warner Bros. began developing the film project, having owned the rights to Richard Matheson's 1954 novel I Am Legend since 1970.[2] Actors Tom Cruise and Michael Douglas had been considered to star in the film,[3] using a script by Mark Protosevich[4] and Ridley Scott as director; however, by June 1997 the studio's preference was for actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and in July, Scott and Schwarzenegger finalized negotiations,[5] with production slated to begin the coming September,[3] using Houston as a stand-in for the film's setting of Los Angeles.[6] In December 1997, the project was called into question when the projected budget escalated to $108 million due to media and shareholder scrutiny of the studio in financing a big-budget film.[7] Scott rewrote the script in an attempt to reduce the film's budget by $20 million,[8] but in March 1998, the studio canceled the project due to continued budgetary concerns.[9] In August 1998, director Rob Bowman was attached to I Am Legend,[10] but he moved on to direct Reign of Fire.[11]

In March 2002, Schwarzenegger became the producer of I Am Legend, commencing negotiations with Michael Bay to direct and Will Smith to star in the film. Bay and Smith were attracted to the project based on a redraft that would reduce its budget.[12] However, the project was shelved due to Warner Bros. president Alan F. Horn's dislike of the script.[13] In 2004, Akiva Goldsman was asked by head of production Jeff Robinov to produce the project.[14] In September 2005, director Francis Lawrence signed on to helm the project, with production slated to begin in 2006.[15] Guillermo del Toro was also approached to direct.[16] Lawrence, whose film Constantine was produced by Goldsman, was fascinated by empty urban environments. He said, "Something’s always really excited me about that... to have experienced that much loss, to be without people or any kind of social interaction for that long."[14]

Goldsman took on the project as he admired the second I Am Legend film adaptation, The Omega Man.[17] A rewrite was done to distance the project from the other zombie films inspired by the novel,[16] particularly 28 Days Later.[17] A forty-page scene-by-scene outline of the film was developed by May 2006. When delays occurred on Will Smith's film Hancock (2008), which was scheduled for 2007, it was proposed to switch the actor's films. This meant filming would have to begin in sixteen weeks: production was greenlit, using Goldsman's script and the outline.[14] Elements from Protosevich's script were introduced, while the crew consulted with experts on infectious diseases and solitary confinement.[17] Rewrites continued throughout filming, because of Smith's improvisational skills and Lawrence's preference to keep various scenes silent.[14] The director had watched The Pianist with a low volume so as to not disturb his newborn son, and realized that silence could be very effective cinema.[18]

Will Smith signed on to play Robert Neville in April 2006.[19] He said he took on I Am Legend because he felt it could be like "Gladiator [or] Forrest Gump — these are movies with wonderful, audience-pleasing elements but also uncompromised artistic value. [This] always felt like it had those possibilities to me."[17] The actor found Neville to be his toughest acting challenge since portraying Muhammad Ali in Ali (2001). He said that "when you're on your own, it is kind of hard to find conflict." The film's dark tone and exploration of whether Neville has gone insane during his isolation meant Smith had to restrain himself from falling into a humorous routine during takes.[20] To prepare for his role, Smith visited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Georgia. He also met with a person who had been in solitary confinement and a former prisoner of war.[21] Smith compared Neville to Job, who lost his children, livelihood and health. Like the Book of Job, I Am Legend studies the questions, "Can he find a reason to continue? Can he find the hope or desire to excel and advance in life? Or does the death of everything around him create imminent death for himself?"[16] He also cited an influence in Tom Hanks' performance in Cast Away (2000).[17]

Abbey, a three-year-old German Shepherd, played Neville's dog Sam. Another dog was used for scenes where Neville plays fetch with his companion, as Abbey refused to perform these scenes.[22] The rest of the supporting cast consists of Salli Richardson as Zoe, Robert's wife,[23] and Alice Braga as a survivor named Anna.[23] Willow Smith, Will Smith's daughter, makes her film debut as Marley, Neville's daughter.[24] Emma Thompson has an uncredited role as Dr. Alice Krippin, who appears on television explaining her vaccine for cancer that mutates into the virus.[25]
The Brooklyn Bridge served as a location in I Am Legend, at which there was a $5 million scene filmed, the most expensive scene to date in New York City.
The Brooklyn Bridge served as a location in I Am Legend, at which there was a $5 million scene filmed, the most expensive scene to date in New York City.

Akiva Goldsman decided to move the story from Los Angeles to New York City to take advantage of locations that would more easily show emptiness.[2] Goldsman explained, "L.A. looks empty at three o'clock in the afternoon, [but] New York is never empty . . . it was a much more interesting way of showing the windswept emptiness of the world."[20] Warner Bros. initially rejected this idea because of the logistics,[14] but Francis Lawrence was determined to shoot on location, to give the film a natural feel that would not benefit from shooting on soundstages. Lawrence went to the city with a camcorder, and filmed areas filled with crowds. Then, a special effects test was conducted to remove all those people. The test had a powerful effect on studio executives.[18] Michael Tadross convinced authorities to close busy areas such as the Grand Central Terminal viaduct, several blocks of Fifth Avenue and Washington Square Park.[14] The film was shot primarily in 35mm anamorphic format, with flashback scenes shot in Super 35.[citation needed]

Filming began on September 23, 2006.[26] The Marcy Avenue Armory in Williamsburg was used for the interior of Neville's home,[20] while Greenwich Village was used for the exterior.[16] Other locations include the Tribeca section of Lower Manhattan, the aircraft carrier Intrepid, the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx and St. Patrick's Cathedral.[2] Weeds were imported from Florida and were strewn across locations to make the city look like it had overgrown with them.[14] The closure of major streets was controversial with New Yorkers. Will Smith said, "I don't think anyone's going to be able to do that in New York again any time soon. People were not happy. That's the most middle fingers I've ever gotten in my career."[16]

A bridge scene was filmed for six consecutive nights in January on the Brooklyn Bridge to serve as a flashback scene in which New York's citizens evacuate the city. Shooting the scene consumed $5 million of the film's reported $150 million budget, which was the most expensive shot in the city to date. The scene, which had to meet requirements from fourteen government agencies, involved 250 crew members and 1,000 extras, including 160 National Guard members.[27][28] Also present were several Humvees, three Stryker armored vehicles, a 110-foot cutter, a 41-foot utility boat, and two 25-foot Response Boat Small craft, as well as other vehicles including taxis, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances.[29] Filming concluded on March 31, 2007.[26]

Reshoots were conducted around November 2007. Lawrence noted, "We weren't seeing fully-rendered shots until about a month ago. The movie starts to take on a whole other life. It's not only until later that you can judge a movie as a whole and go, 'Huh, maybe we should shoot this little piece in the middle, or tweak this a little bit.' It just so happened that our re-shoots revolved around the end of the movie."[30]

[edit] Effects

A week into filming, Francis Lawrence felt the infected, who were being portrayed by actors wearing prosthetics, were not convincing. His decision to use computer-generated imagery (CGI) meant post-production had to be extended and the budget increased. Lawrence explained, "They needed to have an abandon in their performance that you just can’t get out of people in the middle of the night when they’re barefoot. And their metabolisms are really spiked, so they’re constantly hyperventilating, which you can’t really get actors to do for a long time or they pass out."[14] While the infected become vampires in the novel, the film script avoids such a direct reference;[17] even though the character Anna calls them "dark seekers", and they consume living flesh, their design is inspired more by the concept of their adrenal glands being open all the time than by conventional vampire imagery. The actors remained on set to provide motion capture.[20] "The film's producers and sound people wanted the creatures in the movie to sound somewhat human, but not the standard," so Mike Patton, former lead singer of Alternative rock band Faith No More, was engaged to provide all of the infecteds' screams and howls.[31]

In addition, CGI was used for the lions and deer in the film, and to erase pedestrians in shots of New York. Workers visible in windows, spectators and moving cars in the distance were all removed. In his vision of an empty New York, Lawrence cited John Ford as his influence: "We didn't want to make an apocalyptic movie where the landscape felt apocalyptic. A lot of the movie takes place on a beautiful day. There's something magical about the empty city as opposed to dark and scary."[17]

Keen-eyed viewers have spotted billboards advertising a number of imaginary movies based on DC Comics properties in the background of some shots.[32]

[edit] Alternative ending

The tone of the ending of the film was altered dramatically before the film's release, with the majority of the changes made to the standoff between Neville and the infected in his laboratory. Visual effects supervisor Janek Sirrs recounts the original ending starting with the standoff, "At that point, Neville's—and the audience's—assumptions about the nature of these creatures are shown to be incorrect. We see that they have actually retained some of their humanity. There is a very important moment between the alpha male and Neville." David Schaub stated, "Then, when Neville finally turns the alpha female over to the alpha male, there is this little love moment between the two of them." The infected then retrieve the captured female and spare Neville's life. The original final shot follows Neville, Anna, and Ethan as they cross the remnants of the George Washington Bridge in hopes of finding other survivors.[33] This ending will be used in the DVD release.[34]

[edit] Release

I Am Legend was originally slated for a November 21, 2007 release in the United States and Canada,[35] but was delayed to December 14, 2007.[36] The film opened on December 26, 2007 in the United Kingdom,[37] and the Republic of Ireland having been originally scheduled for January 4, 2008.[20]

In December 2007, China banned the release of American films in the country,[38] which is believed to have delayed the release of I Am Legend. Will Smith spoke to the chairman of China Film Group about securing a release date, later explaining, "We struggled very, very hard to try to get it to work out, but there are only a certain amount of foreign films that are allowed in."[21]

[edit] Marketing

A tie-in comic from DC Comics and Vertigo Comics has been created.[39] The project draws upon collaboration from Bill Sienkiewicz, screenwriter Mark Protosevich, and author Orson Scott Card. The son of the original book's author, Richard Christian Matheson, also collaborated on the project. The project will advance from the comic to an online format in which animated featurettes (created by the team from Broken Saints) will be shown on the official website. [40]

In October 2007, Warner Bros. Pictures in conjunction with the Electric Sheep Company launched the online multiplayer game I Am Legend: Survival in the virtual world Second Life. The game is the largest launched in the virtual world in support of a film release, permitting people to play against each other as the infected or the uninfected across a replicated 60 acres of New York City.[41] The studio also hired the ad agency Crew Creative to develop a website that would be specifically viewable on Apple's iPhone.[42]

[edit] Box office

I Am Legend grossed $77,211,321 on its opening weekend in 3,606 theaters, averaging $21,412 per venue, and placing it at the top of the box office. This set a record for highest grossing opening for a film for the month of December.[43] As of February 18, 2008, the film has grossed $254 million in North America and $572 million worldwide.[44]

[edit] Critical reception and awards

Critics were generally favorable towards the film.[45] As of February 16, 2008, review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes reported that 69% of critics gave the film positive write-ups, based on 181 reviews.[46] At the similar website Metacritic, which assigns a rating out of 100 to each review, the film has received an average score of 65, based on 37 reviews.[45]

A. O. Scott felt Will Smith gave a "graceful and effortless performance", and also noted the "third-act collapse". He felt the movie "does ponder some pretty deep questions about the collapse and persistence of human civilization".[47] Dana Stevens of Slate felt the movie loses its way around the hour mark, as "the Infected just aren't that scary."[25] NPR critic Bob Mondello noted the film's subtext concerning global terrorism and that this aspect made the film fit in perfectly with other, more direct cinematic explorations of the subject.[48] Richard Roeper gave the film a positive review on the television program At the Movies with Ebert & Roeper, commending Will Smith as being in "prime form", also saying there are "some amazing sequences" and that there was "a pretty heavy screenplay for an action film."[49] Much of the negative criticism has concerned the use of CGI effects, which many critics have labeled as excessive and unrealistic, as well as an unsatisfactory third act.[50][51][52]

Popular Mechanics published an article on December 14, 2007 [53] addressing some of the scientific issues raised by the film:

1. the rate of deterioration of urban structures, infrastructure, and survival of fauna and flora
2. Neville's power supplies
3. the plausibility of a retrovirus spreading out of control as depicted in the film
4. the mechanics of the Brooklyn Bridge's destruction

The magazine solicited reactions from author Alan Weisman, virologist W. Ian Lipkin, M.D., and Michel Bruneau, Ph.D., comparing their predictions with the film's depictions. The article raised the most questions regarding the virus' mutation and the medical results, and pointed out that a suspension bridge like the Brooklyn Bridge would likely completely collapse rather than losing only its middle span. Neville's method of producing power using gasoline-powered generators seemed the most credible: "This part of the tale is possible, if not entirely likely", Popular Mechanics editor Roy Berendsohn says.

I Am Legend earned four nominations for the VES Awards,[54] and was also nominated for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble at the Screen Actors Guild Awards,[55] Outstanding Film and Actor at the Image Awards,[56] and Best Sound at the Satellite Awards.[57]

[edit] Home video

The movie will be released on DVD in two editions: a one-disc release, including the movie with four animated comics ("Death As a Gift", "Isolation", "Sacrificing the Few for the Many", and "Shelter"), and other DVD-ROM features; a two-disc special edition that will include all these extras, plus an alternative theatrical version of the movie with a controversial ending. On the high-definition end, the movie will be released on the Blu-ray format along with the DVD release, on March 18, 2008. An HD DVD version will be released on April 8, 2008. Both of the high definition releases will include all the features available in the two-disc DVD edition.[58]

[edit] References

1. ^ Todd McCarthy. "I Am Legend review", Variety, 2007-12-07. Retrieved on 2007-12-18.
2. ^ a b c Lewis Beale. "A variation on vampire lore that won't die", The New York Times, 2007-01-14. Retrieved on 2007-11-06.
3. ^ a b Anita M. Busch. "Scott, Arnold: 'Legend'-ary duo?", Variety, 1997-06-05. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
4. ^ Mark Protosevich script for I Am Legend. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
5. ^ Anita M. Busch. "Scott is stuff of 'Legend'", Variety, 1997-07-02. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
6. ^ Louis B. Parks. "Arnold's 'Legend' coming here", Houston Chronicle, 1997-08-22. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
7. ^ Michael Fleming. "'Legend' may not live on; Leighton lightens up", Variety, 1997-12-04. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
8. ^ Chris Petrikin. "Fox reins in 'Riders'", Variety, 1998-04-13. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
9. ^ "Schwarzenegger's 'Legend' is in peril", Chicago Tribune, 1998-03-16. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
10. ^ Benedict Carver. "Col taps duo for 'Space'", Variety, 1998-08-18. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
11. ^ Charles Lyons. "Bowman will reign over Spyglass' 'Fire'", Variety, 2000-07-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
12. ^ Michael Fleming. "'Legend' rekindled by Arnold", Variety, 2002-03-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
13. ^ Vanessa Juarez. "Most Delayed Movie Ever?", Entertainment Weekly, 2006-05-19. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
14. ^ a b c d e f g h David M. Halbfinger. "The City That Never Sleeps, Comatose", New York Times, 2007-11-04. Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
15. ^ Michael Fleming. "Helmer takes on 'Legend' for WB", Variety, 2005-09-13. Retrieved on 2007-05-02.
16. ^ a b c d e Chris Lee. "Will Smith: a one-man show", Los Angeles Times, 2007-11-04. Retrieved on 2007-11-06.
17. ^ a b c d e f g Jeff Jensen. "Will Smith: Making a 'Legend'", Entertainment Weekly, 2007-08-16. Retrieved on 2007-11-08.
18. ^ a b Ian Nathan. "Last Man Standing", Empire, January 2008, pp. 109-114.
19. ^ Michael Fleming. "'Legend' reborn again at Warners", Variety, 2006-04-25. Retrieved on 2006-08-23.
20. ^ a b c d e Ian Nathan. "I Am Legend", Empire, October 2007, pp. 78-81.
21. ^ a b Min Lee. "Will Smith says new film 'I Am Legend' hasn't secured China release", Associated Press, 2007-12-07. Retrieved on 2007-12-07.
22. ^ Adam Markowitz. "The Dog", Entertainment Weekly, 2007-11-02. Retrieved on 2007-11-05.
23. ^ a b Wilson Morales. "I Am Legend casting news",, 2006-09-19. Retrieved on 2006-09-19.
24. ^ Paul Davidson. "Another Smith Joins Legend", IGN, 2006-10-04. Retrieved on 2006-10-15.
25. ^ a b Dana Stevens. "I Am Legend, reviewed", Slate, 2007-12-14. Retrieved on 2007-12-14.
26. ^ a b Garth Franklin. ""I Am Legend" Taking Time To Film", Dark Horizons, 2006-08-16. Retrieved on 2006-08-23.
27. ^ Joseph Steuer. "A 'Legend' in the making", The Hollywood Reporter, 2007-04-24. Retrieved on 2007-04-26.
28. ^ Addiego, Walter. "Review: I, human - Will Smith plays last man standing in 'I Am Legend'", San Francisco Chronicle, 2007-12-14. Retrieved on 2007-12-22.
29. ^ Joseph Steuer. "Government agencies cover filmmakers in red tape", Reuters, 2007-04-24. Retrieved on 2007-09-17.
30. ^ "Francis Lawrence on I Am Legend Re-shoots",, 2007-12-03. Retrieved on 2007-12-03.
31. ^ Harris, Chris. "Mike Patton Hits The Big Screen, Voicing 'I Am Legend' Baddies And Scoring 'Perfect' Indie Flick", MTV Networks, 2007-12-13. Retrieved on 2008-01-03.
32. ^ Michael Moran. "The hidden secrets of I Am Legend", Times Online, 2008-01-08.
33. ^ Duncan, Jody. "Urban Legend". Cinefex 112: 118.​
34. ^ Omelete entrevista Francis Lawrence (Portuguese). Omelete (2008-01-18). Retrieved on 2008-01-24. “We have a few scenes that won't be in the first release, but in the second. And we'll have an alternate ending already in the first DVD. It's much different. The other ending is more about an idea, not as satisfactory to the big audience. It's more philosophical while this is more thrilling. But the other is more interesting... it was created by me and Akiva[Goldsman].”
35. ^ "Shooting Dates for I Am Legend",, 2006-08-16. Retrieved on 2007-04-26.
36. ^ I Am Legend. Retrieved on 2007-04-26.
37. ^ UK Film release schedule. Film Distributors' Association. Retrieved on 2007-12-11.
38. ^ Patrick Frater. "China sets 3 month ban on U.S. films", Variety, 2007-12-05. Retrieved on 2007-12-07.
39. ^ I Am Legend: Awakening. Warner Bros.. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
40. ^ Erik Amaya. "CCI: This Book is Legend", Comic Book Resources, 2007-07-28. Retrieved on 2007-07-30.
41. ^ Warner Bros. Pictures. "I Am Legend: Survival Launched in Second Life",, 2007-10-12. Retrieved on 2007-10-12.
42. ^ Carly Mayberry. "Site a 'Legend' for iPhone", The Hollywood Reporter, 2007-10-11. Retrieved on 2007-11-09.
43. ^ ‘I Am Legend’ sets big box-office record. MSNBC. Retrieved on 2007-12-16.
44. ^ I Am Legend at Box Office Mojo. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
45. ^ a b I Am Legend (2007): Reviews. Metacritic. Retrieved on 2008-01-02.
46. ^ I Am Legend - Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved on 2008-01-02.
47. ^ A. O. Scott. "Man About Town, and Very Alone", New York Times, 2007-12-14. Retrieved on 2007-12-14.
48. ^ 'I Am Legend' a One-Man American Metaphor (2007-12-14). Retrieved on 2008-01-24.
49. ^ I Am Legend review. Retrieved on 2007-12-25.
50. ^ Maher, Kevin (2007-12-27). I Am Legend review. The Times. Retrieved on 2008-01-24.
51. ^ Bloom, Bob (2007-12-13). I Am Legend review. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
52. ^ Corliss, Richard (2007-12-14). Will Smith Gets Lost in His Legend. TIME. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
53. ^ McCarthy, Erin (2007-12-14), "I Am Legend's Junk Science: Hollywood Sci-Fi vs. Reality", Popular Mechanics, . Retrieved on 29 December 2007
54. ^ Visual Effects Society (VES) Announces Nominees for 6th Annual VES Awards. Visual Effects Society. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
55. ^ Nominations Announced for the 14th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. Screen Actors Guild (2007-12-20). Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
56. ^ Nominees for the 39th NAACP Image Awards Announced. NAACP. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
57. ^ 2007 12th Annual Satellite Awards. International Press Academy. Retrieved on 2008-01-23.
58. ^ Charles Lyons. "I Am Legend on DVD, HD DVD and Blu-ray". Retrieved on 2008-02-03.

[edit] External links

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008


Ini dia salah satu my favorite book , Baguzz bangeedd

“Aku masih mencium bau surga. Wanginya merasuk ke dalam sukma.
Aku ingin masuk ke dalamnya. Di sana aku berjanji akan mempersiapkan
segalanya dan menunggumu untuk bercinta. Memadu kasih dalam cahaya
kesucian dan kerelaan Tuhan selama-lamanya.”
Sambil terisak Aisha melantunkan ayat:
Yaa ayyatuhan nafsul muthmainnah
irji’ii ilaa Rabbiki
raadhiyatan mardhiyyah
Fadkhulii fii ‘ibaadii
wadkhulii jannatii

(Hai jiwa yang tenang
Kembalilah kamu kepada Tuhanmu
dengan hati puas lagi diridhai
Maka masuklah ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaKu
Maka masuklah ke dalam surga-Ku.)

Karya : Habiburrahman Saerozi

Alumnus Universitas Al Azhar, Cairo


Bang Haji Rhoma Irama

Raden Oma Irama atau biasa dipanggil Rhoma Irama (lahir 11 Desember 1946 di Tasikmalaya) adalah musisi dangdut dari Indonesia yang berjulukan "Raja Dangdut".


Pada tahun tujuh puluhan, Rhoma sudah menjadi penyanyi dan musisi ternama setelah jatuh bangun dalam mendirikan band musik, mulai dari band Gayhand tahun 1963. Tak lama kemudian, ia pindah masuk Orkes Chandra Leka, sampai akhirnya membentuk band sendiri bernama Soneta yang sejak 13 Oktober 1973 mulai berkibar. Bersama grup Soneta yang dipimpinnya, Rhoma tercatat pernah memperoleh 11 Golden Record dari kaset-kasetnya.

Berdasarkan data penjualan kaset, dan jumlah penonton film- film yang dibintanginya, penggemar Rhoma tidak kurang dari 15 juta atau 10% penduduk Indonesia. Ini catatan sampai pertengahan 1984. "Tak ada jenis kesenian mutakhir yang memiliki lingkup sedemikian luas", tulis majalah TEMPO, 30 Juni 1984. Sementara itu, Rhoma sendiri bilang, "Saya takut publikasi. Ternyata, saya sudah terseret jauh."

Rhoma Irama terhitung sebagai salah satu penghibur yang paling sukses dalam mengumpulkan massa. Rhoma Irama bukan hanya tampil di dalam negeri tapi ia juga pernah tampil di Kuala Lumpur, Singapura, dan Brunei dengan jumlah penonton yang hampir sama ketika ia tampil di Indonesia. Sering dalam konser Rhoma Irama, penonton jatuh pingsan akibat berdesakan. Orang menyebut musik Rhoma adalah musik dangdut, sementara ia sendiri lebih suka bila musiknya disebut sebagai irama Melayu.

Pada 13 Oktober 1973, Rhoma mencanangkan semboyan "Voice of Moslem" (Suara Muslim) yang bertujuan menjadi agen pembaharu musik Melayu yang memadukan unsur musik rock dalam musik Melayu serta melakukan improvisasi atas aransemen, syair, lirik, kostum, dan penampilan di atas panggung. Menurut Achmad Albar, penyanyi rock Indonesia, "Rhoma pionir. Pintar mengawinkan orkes Melayu dengan rock". Tetapi jika kita amati ternyata bukan hanya rock yang dipadu oleh Rhoma Irama tetapi musik pop, India, dan orkestra juga. inilah yang menyebabkan setiap lagu Rhoma memiiki cita rasa yang berbeda.

Bagi para penyanyi dangdut lagu Rhoma mewakili semua suasana ada nuansa agama, cinta remaja, cinta kepada orang tua, kepada bangsa, kritik sosial, dan lain-lain. "Mustahil mengadakan panggung dangdut tanpa menampilkan lagu Bang Rhoma, karena semua menyukai lagu Rhoma," begitu tanggapan beberapa penyanyi dangdut dalam suatu acara TV.

Rhoma juga sukses di dunia film, setidaknya secara komersial. Data PT Perfin menyebutkan, hampir semua film Rhoma selalu laku. Bahkan sebelum sebuah film selesai diproses, orang sudah membelinya. Satria Bergitar, misalnya. Film yang dibuat dengan biaya Rp 750 juta ini, ketika belum rampung sudah memperoleh pialang Rp 400 juta. Tetapi, "Rhoma tidak pernah makan dari uang film. Ia hidup dari uang kaset," kata Benny Muharam, kakak Rhoma, yang jadi produser PT Rhoma Film. Hasil film disumbangkan untuk, antara lain, masjid, yatim piatu, kegiatan remaja, dan perbaikan kampung.

Ia juga terlibat dalam dunia politik. Di masa awal Orde Baru, ia sempat menjadi maskot penting PPP, setelah terus dimusuhi oleh Pemerintah Orde baru karena menolak untuk bergabung dengan Golkar. Rhoma Sempat tidak aktif berpolitik untuk beberapa waktu, sebelum akhirnya terpilih sebagai anggota DPR mewakili utusan Golongan yakni mewakili seniman dan artis pada tahun 1993. Pada pemilu 2004 Rhoma Irama tampil pula di panggung kampanye PKS.

Rhoma Irama sempat kuliah di Universitas 17 Agustus Jakarta, tetapi tidak menyelesaikannya. "Ternyata belajar di luar lebih asyik dan menantang," katanya suatu saat. Ia sendiri mengatakan bahwa ia banyak menjadi rujukan penelitian ada kurang lebih 7 skripsi tentang musiknya telah dihasilkan. Selain itu, peneliti asing juga kerap menjadikannya sebagai objek penelitian seperti William H. Frederick, doktor sosiologi Universitas Ohio, AS yang meneliti tentang kekuatan popularitas serta pengaruh Rhoma Irama pada masyarakat.

Pada bulan Februari 2005, dia memperoleh gelar doktor honoris causa dari American University of Hawaii dalam bidang dangdut, namun gelar tersebut dipertanyakan banyak pihak karena universitas ini diketahui tidak mempunyai murid sama sekali di Amerika Serikat sendiri, dan hanya mengeluarkan gelar kepada warga non-AS di luar negeri. Selain itu, universitas ini tidak diakreditasikan oleh pemerintah negara bagian Hawaii.

Sebagai musisi, pencipta lagu, dan bintang layar lebar, Rhoma selama karirnya, seperti yang diungkapkan, telah menciptakan 685 buah lagu dan bermain di lebih 10 film.

Pada tanggal 11 Desember 2007, Rhoma merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 61 yang juga merupakan perayaan ultah pertama kali sejak dari orok, sekaligus pertanda peluncuran website pribadinya,
Pandangan agama

Rhoma Irama dikenal sebagai seorang pendakwah dan pengkhotbah muslim dan ketua umum Forum Umat Islam (FUI), sebuah organisasi keagamaan yang tidak berpihak kepada partai manapun.

Kesuksesannya di dunia musik dan dunia seni peran membuat Rhoma sempat mendirikan perusahaan film Rhoma Irama Film Production yang berhasil memproduksi film, di antaranya Perjuangan dan Doa (1980) serta Cinta Kembar (1984).

Kini, Rhoma yang biasa dipanggil Bang Haji ini, banyak mengisi waktunya dengan berdakwah baik lewat musik maupun ceramah-ceramah di televisi hingga ke penjuru nusantara. Dengan semangat dan gaya khasnya, Rhoma yang menjadikan grup Soneta sebagai Sound of Moslem terus giat meluaskan syiar agama.

Sebagian besar lagu Rhoma Irama bernafaskan Islam dan semangat humanisme, hal ini didasarkan dari latar belakang Rhoma sendiri yang sangat giat belajar agama.

* Pada tahun 2003, Rhoma kembali menjadi sorotan media karena mengkritik Inul Daratista, penyanyi dangdut yang sedang naik daun karena mengandalkan gaya tarinya yang mesum. Rhoma dengan mengatas-namakan organisasi PAMMI (Persatuan Artis Musik Melayu Indonesia), menentang peredaran album Goyang Inul yang dirilis Blackboard pada akhir Mei 2003. Pada saat itu Rhoma Irama kemudian dikecam sebagai seorang munafik oleh pendukung Inul.
* Juga pada tahun 2003, Rhoma dalam sebuah pengerebekan, tertangkap basah beduaan di apartemen Angel Lelga, sekitar jam 11-4 pagi. Pengerebekan ini banyak ditayangkan media infotainment, dan menjadi permulaan turunnya pamor raja dangdut ini. Kejadian ini disanggah Rhoma dengan berdalih bahwa ia hanya memberikan nasehat dan petuah agar menghindarkan Angel Lelga dari jurang kenistaan, setelah beberapa waktu kemudian rhoma mengakui bahwa ia sebenarnya telah menikah dengan Angel Lelga.
* Pada November 2005, tayangan Kabar-kabari memberitakan Rhoma Irama mengatakan GIGI adalah band frustasi dan tidak kreatif. Komentar tersebut berhubungan dengan kesuksesan album rohani Raihlah Kemenangan yang dirilis GIGI. Menurut Rhoma, album yang sepenuhnya berisi lagu aransemen ulang itu mengesankan kelompok musik tersebut sebagai band yang frustasi dan tidak kreatif. Berita ini kemudian disanggah oleh Rhoma. (Sebenarnya berita ini sudah di ralat, setelah Rhoma Irama mengirimkan protes ke meja redaksi RCTI dan manajemen acara infotaintment KABAR-KABARI. Berita ini beredar karena kesalahan narator dalam menanggapi berita tentang pernyataan Rhoma Irama. Dan Rhoma Irama sendiri dengan band GIGI tidak ada masalah dan "santai" saja.
* Pada Januari 2006, kembali Rhoma di hadapan anggota DPR mengeluarkan pernyataan menentang aksi panggung Inul, dalam dengar pendapat pembahasan RUU Antipornografi antara DPR dan kalangan artis.

* Rhoma menikahi Veronica pada 1972, seorang wanita Nasrani yang menjadi muslim setelah dinikahinya, yang kemudian memberinya tiga orang anak, Debby (31), Fikri (27), dan Romy (26). Rhoma akhirnya bercerai dengan Veronica bulan Mei 1985.
* Sebelum bercerai, sekitar setahun sebelumnya, Rhoma menikahi Ricca Rachim, juga seorang wanita Nasrani yang kemudian menjadi muslim setelah dinikahinya — lawan mainnya dalam beberapa film seperti Melodi Cinta, Badai di Awal Bahagia, Camellia, Cinta Segitiga, Pengabdian, Pengorbanan, dan Satria Bergitar. Hingga sekarang, Ricca tetap mendampingi Rhoma sebagai istri.
* Pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2005, Rhoma mengumumkan telah menikahi artis sinetron Angel Lelga secara siri pada 6 Maret 2003, namun hari itu juga ia menceraikannya.
* Veronica sempat menikah kembali (1991) kemudian sang suami yang seorang pejabat meninggal, Veronica sendiri meninggal di tahun 2005 dengan mengalami berbagai penyakit, anak-anaknya mengakui pada pers selama Veronica sakit Rhoma Irama lah yang menanggung semua biaya perawatan hingga ke Singapura mengingat Veronica bukan lagi artis yang produktif dan telah menjadi janda karena suaminya telah meninggal. Keluarga mencatat bahwa Rhoma tetap berperan dalam keluarga tersebut.
* Pada saat Rhoma Irama digerbek oleh wartawan di Apartemen bersama Angel Lelga sebenarnya keduanya telah menikah secara siri, otak dibalik pengebrakan tersebut adalah Yati Octavia dan suaminya Pangky Suwito yang juga tinggal di Apartemen Semanggi dan turut hadir bersama wartawan pada saat pengebrekan.

(belum lengkap)

* Ke Bina Ria (1974)
* Joget (1975)
* Penasaran (1976)
* Hak Asasi (1977)
* Gitar Tua Oma Irama (1977)
* Berkelana (1978)
* Rupiah (1978)
* Begadang (1978)


* Oma Irama Penasaran (1976)
* Gitar Tua Oma Irama (1977)
* Darah Muda (1977)
* Rhoma Irama Berkelana I (1978)
* Rhoma Irama Berkelana II (1978)
* Begadang (1978)
* Raja Dangdut (1978)
* Cinta Segitiga (1979)
* Camelia (1979)
* Perjuangan dan Doa (1980)
* Melody Cinta Rhoma Irama (1980)
* Badai Diawal Bahagia (1981)
* Satria Bergitar (1984)
* Cinta Kembar (1984)
* Pengabdian (1985)
* Kemilau Cinta di Langit Jingga (1985)
* Menggapai Matahari I (1986)
* Menggapai Matahari II (1986)
* Nada-nada Rindu (1987)
* Bunga Desa (1988)
* Jaka Swara (1990)
* Nada dan Dakwah (1991)
* Takbir Biru (1994


Kamis, 21 Februari 2008

Tante Suzanna sang Ratu Horor

Suzanna Martha Frederika van Osch populer dengan nama Suzanna (lahir di Bogor pada 14 Oktober 1942) adalah bintang film Indonesia yang berkecimpung di dunia layar perak sejak tahun 1950-an hingga 1990-an. Wanita bergelar "The Queen of Indonesian Horror" ini popular lewat film-film panas dan mistik

Suzanna Martha Frederika van Osch populer dengan nama Suzanna (lahir di Bogor pada 14 Oktober 1942) adalah bintang film Indonesia yang berkecimpung di dunia layar perak sejak tahun 1950-an hingga 1990-an. Wanita bergelar "The Queen of Indonesian Horror" ini popular lewat film-film panas dan mistik seperti Bernapas dalam Lumpur (1970), film legendaris Beranak Dalam Kubur (1971), Pulau Cinta (1978), dan Ratu Ilmu Hitam (1981). Ia pernah menikah dengan aktor Dicky Suprapto. Setelah bercerai karena Dicky menikah dengan Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, Suzanna kemudian menikah kembali dengan aktor Clift Sangra. Suzanna juga mempunyai seorang putri bernama Kiki Maria, yang mengikuti langkah ibunya ke dunia pentas.


Karirnya berawal saat memenangkan kontes "Tiga Dara" dan diaudisi oleh Usmar Ismail. Meski awalnya gugup karena belum pernah memegang telepon, padahal dalam audisi ada akting mengangkat telepon, akhirnya Suzanna lolos. Gadis muda berjulukan The Next Indriati Iskak ini berhasil memukau penonton lewat Asrama Dara dan meraih banyak penghargaan, di antaranya The Best Child Actress (Festival Film Asia, Tokyo, 1960), dan Golden Harvest Award. Bungsu dari lima bersaudara yang berdarah Jerman-Belanda-Jawa-Manado ini juga meraih gelar Aktris Terpopuler se-Asia saat Festival Film Asia Pasifik di Seoul tahun 1972.

Sayangnya popularitas Suzanna justru diraih dari film-film panas dan mistik, seperti Bernafas Dalam Lumpur dan Bumi Makin Panas serta Pulau Cinta (1978) dan Ratu Ilmu Hitam (1981) yang membuatnya menjadi nominator FFI untuk Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik.

Suzanna berhenti bermain film di awal tahun 1990-an. Namun bukan berarti dia sudah tidak lagi eksis. Di tahun 2003, di usianya yang menginjak 61 tahun Suzanna berbinar lagi di sinetron Selma dan Ular Siluman yang ditayangkan Indosiar.
Kehidupan pribadi

Suzanna pernah menikah dengan aktor Dicky Suprapto dan mempunyai anak perempuan bernama Kiki Maria, yang juga mengikuti langkah ibunya ke dunia pentas. Setelah bercerai, menikah kembali dengan Clift Andre Natalia atau Clift Sangra, "daun muda" (karena selisih umurnya lebih dari 20 tahun), teman mainnya di Sangkuriang (1982). Mereka memiliki seorang anak angkat, Rama Yohanes.

Meski telah berumah tangga lebih dari dua puluh tahun dengan Clift, hampir tidak terdengar kabar atau gosip miring. Sampai akhirnya di penghujung tahun 2003, Kiki Maria, anak pertama Suzanna melaporkan Clift Sangra yang dituduh melakukan penembakan terhadap suaminya, FX Abriyarso Prihanto Boyho.Kasus penembakan itu sendiri kabarnya dipicu oleh harta warisan milik Suzanna yang akan dibagikan pada Kiki Maria, anaknya dari perkawinan pertama dengan Dicky Suprapto. Sempat pula beredar kabar kalau Clift juga akan membunuh Suzanna demi harta warisan. Untuk memuluskan rencana mencabut nyawa Suzanna, kabarnya Clift menyewa pembunuh bayaran, yang disewa dengan imbalan Rp50 juta.Selain Clift yang didakwa menganiya, Abriyarso pun mendapat tuduhan yang sama karena menganiaya Clift. Akhirnya Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Kota Magelang menjatuhkan vonis empat bulan penjara terhadap aktor laga Clift Andre Natalia atau Clift Sangra karena terbukti menganiaya menantu tirinya, Abriyarso Priharto Boyoh, pada 14 November 2005 itu dengan menembak Abriyarso menggunakan pistol berpeluru karet yang mengenai bagian perut.Sedangkan Abriyarso Priharto Boyoh mendapat vonis bebas karena tidak terbukti melakukan penganiayaan pada aktor Clift Sangra.

Tahun Film Catatan
1950 The Long March
1958 Asrama Dara
1959 Bertamasja
1961 Mira
1963 Antara Timur dan Barat
Aku Hanja Bajangan
1965 Segenggam Tanah Perbatasan
1966 Suzie
1967 Penanggalan
1970 Bernafas dalam Lumpur sutradara Turino Djunaidy
Tuan Tanah Kedawung
1971 Beranak dalam Kubur bermain dengan Dicky Suprapto
Air Mata Kekasih
1973 Napsu Gila sutradara Ali Shahab, bermain dengan Dicky Suprapto
Bumi Makin Panas sutradara Ali Shahab, bermain dengan Dicky Suprapto
1974 Ratapan dan Rintihan
1978 Pulau Cinta sutradara Ali Shahab, bermain dengan Robby Sugara
1980 Permainan Bulan Desember sutradara Nico Pelamonia
1981 Sundel Bolong
Lembah Duka
Ratu Ilmu Hitam
1982 Sangkuriang
Nyi Blorong
1983 Nyi Ageng Ratu Pemikat
Perkawinan Nyi Blorong bermain dengan Clift Sangra
1984 Telaga Angker
Dia Sang Penakluk bermain dengan Clift Sangra
Usia dalam Gejolak
1985 Ratu Sakti Calon Arang
Bangunnya Nyi Roro Kidul
1986 Malam Jumat Kliwon
Petualangan Cinta Nyi Blorong
1987 Samson dan Delilah
1988 Santet
Ratu Buaya Putih
Malam Satu Suro
1989 Wanita Harimau
1990 Pusaka Penyebar Maut
Titisan Dewi Ular
1991 Perjanjian di Malam Keramat
Ajian Ratu Laut Kidul


* Pemain harapan FFI Asmara Dara (1960)
* Best Child Actrees Festifal Film Asmara Dara 1960.
* Nominasi Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik FFI 1979 untuk Pulau Cinta
* Nominasi Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik FFI 1982 untuk Ratu Ilmu Hitam


1. ^ Suzanna, Resep Awet, Makan Bunga, diakses 5 Desember 2007
2. ^ Suami Suzanna Tembak Menantu, diakses 5 Desember 2007
3. ^ Harta Warisan Suzanna Jadi Pemicu Pertikaian, diakses 5 Desember 2007
4. ^ Artis Clift Sangra Divonis Empat Bulan Penjara, diakses 5 Desember 2007
5. ^ Suami Artis Kiki Maria Divonis Bebas, diakses 5 Desember 2007


Maestro Rudi Hartono

Rudy Hartono Kurniawan (Hanzi: 梁海量, Nio Hap Liang; translasi fonetik nama Indonesianya ke bahasa Tionghoa: 哈托诺 Hatuonuo; lahir di Surabaya, 18 Agustus 1949) adalah seorang mantan pemain bulutangkis Indonesia. Ia pernah memenangkan kejuaraan dunia di tahun 1980, dan Kejuaraan All England selama 8 kali pada tahun 1960'an dan 1970'an.

Masa Kecil

Rudy Hartono adalah anak ketiga dari 9 bersaudara yang lahir dari pasangan Zulkarnain Kurniawan. Orang tua Rudy tinggal di Jalan Kaliasin 49 (sekarang Jalan Basuki Rahmat), Surabaya, Jawa Timur dan bekerja sebagai penjahit pakaian pria. Selain itu orang tua Rudy juga mempunyai usaha pemrosesan susu sapi di Wonokromo, Jawa Timur.

Seperti anak-anak seumuran lainnya, Rudy kecil juga tertarik dengan berbagai macam olahraga sejak SD, terutama atletik dan renang. Pada masa SMP dia juga berkecimpung di olahraga bola voli dan pada masa SMA dia juga adalah pemain sepakbola yang handal. Tapi dari semua olahraga yang dia ikuti, keinginan terbesarnya akhirnya hanya jatuh pada permainan bulutangkis. Pada usia 9 tahun, Rudy kecil sudah menunjukkan bakatnya di bulutangkis. Tetapi ayahnya baru menyadarinya ketika Rudi sudah berumur 11 tahun. Sebelum itu Rudy hanya berlatih di jalan raya aspal di depan kantor PLN di Surabaya, yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan Jalan Gemblongan -- ditulis oleh Rudy Hartono dalam bukunya Rajawali Dengan Jurus Padi (1986). Rudy berlatih hanya pada hari Minggu, dari pagi hari hingga pukul 10 malam. Setelah merasa cukup, Rudy memutuskan utuk mengikuti kompetisi-kompetisi kecil yang ada di sekitar Surabaya yang pada masa itu biasanya hanya diterangi oleh sinar lampu petromax.

Setelah ayahnya menyadari bakat anaknya, maka Rudy kecil mulai dilatih secara sistematik pada Asosiasi Bulutangkis Oke dengan pola latihan yang telah ditentukan oleh ayahnya. Sekedar informasi, ayah Rudy juga pernah menjadi pemain bulutangkis di masa mudanya. Zulkarnain pernah bermain di kompetisi kelas utama di Surabaya. Zulkarnain pertama kalinya bermain untuk Asosiasi Bulutangkis Oke yang dia dirikan sendiri pada tahun 1951. Di asosiasi ini ayah Rudy juga melatih para pemain muda. Program kepelatihannya ditekankan pada empat hal utama yaitu: kecepatan, pengaturan nafas yang baik, konsistensi permainan dan sifat agresif dalam menjemput target. Tidak mengherankan banyak program kepelatihannya lebih menekankan pada sisi atletik, seperti lari jarak panjang dan pendek dan juga latihan melompat (high jump).

Ketika Rudy mulai berlatih di Asosiasi yang dimiliki ayah pada saat itulah Rudy merasakan latihan profesional yang sesungguhnya. Pada saat itu asosiasi tempat ayah Rudy melatih hanya mempunyai ruangan latihan di gudang gerbong kereta api di PJKA Karangmenjangan. Dengan kondisi seperti itu Rudy tetap berlatih dengan bersemangat bahkan dia merasa bahwa tempat latihan ayahnya jauh lebih baik dari tempat latihan sebelumnya karena ruangan gedung telah memakai cahaya lampu listrik sehingga dia bisa tetap berlatih dengan maksimal sampai malam hari. Selain itu lapangan yang disediakan juga lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya dan juga ada kantin yang berada di samping gedung latihan.

Awal Karir Profesional

Setelah beberapa lama bergabung dengan grup ayahnya, akhirnya Rudy memutuskan untuk pindah ke grup bulutangkis yang lebih besar yaitu Grup Rajawali, grup yang telah melahirkan banyak pemain bulutangkis dunia. Pada awal dia bergabung dengan grup ini, Rudy merasa sudah menemukan grup terbaik untuk mengembangkan bakat bulutangkisnya. Akan tetapi setelah berdiskusi dengan ayahnya, Rudy mengakui bahwa jika dia ingin karirnya di bulutangkis meningkat maka dia harus pindah ke tempat latihan yang lebih baik, oleh sebab itu Rudy memutuskan untuk pindah pada Pusat Pelatihan Thomas Cup pada akhir tahun 1965. Tak lama setelah itu, penampilan Rudy semakin membaik. Bahkan dia turut ambil bagian dalam memenangkan Thomas Cup untuk Indonesia pada tahun 1967. Pada umur 18 tahun, untuk pertama kalinya Rudy memenangkan titel Juara All England dengan mengalahkan Tan Aik Huang dari Malaysia dengan hasil akhir 15-12 dan 15-9. Setelah itu dia terus memenangkan titel ini sampai dengan tahun 1974.

Daftar prestasi pada kejuaraan All England

* 1968: Menang - mengalahkan Tan Aik Huang, (Malaysia)
* 1969: Menang - mengalahkan Darmadi (Indonesia)
* 1970: Menang - mengalahkan Svend Pri (Denmark)
* 1971: Menang - mengalahkan Muljadi (Indonesia)
* 1972: Menang - mengalahkan Svend Pri (Denmark)
* 1973: Menang - mengalahkan Christian Hadinata (Indonesia)
* 1974: Menang - mengalahkan Punch Gunalan (Malaysia)
* 1975: Kalah - dikalahkan Svend Pri (Denmark)
* 1976: Menang - mengalahkan Liem Swie King (Indonesia)
* 1977: - Tidak ikut
* 1978: Kalah - dikalahkan Liem Swie King (Indonesia)

Kegiatan di luar bulutangkis

* Pengusaha oli merk Top 1
* Pemain film "Matinya Seorang Bidadari" (1971) bersama Poppy Dharsono
