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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Beasiswa/Scholarships. Tampilkan semua postingan

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


Setelah sukses dengan UI Career Expo V 2007 sebelumnya, Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia (CDC-UI) kembali menyelenggarakan "UI Career & Scholarship Expo VI 2008", yaitu pameran beasiswa yang diselenggarakan sebagai wadah untuk mempertemukan alumni mahasiswa dengan universitas- universitas yang memberikan beasiswa baik di dalam maupun luar negeri dan bursa kerja sebagai wadah untuk mempertemukan pencari kerja (job seeker) dengan perusahaan-perusaha an yang membutuhkan tenaga kerja berkualitas. Kegiatan akan dilakukan pada hari Kamis-Sabtu, tanggal 30 Oktober - 1 November 2008 di Balairung UI, Kampus UI, Depok.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, acara dilaksanakan sebulan setelah hari wisuda UI diadakan, dimana terdapat sekitar 6000 fresh graduate terbaik UI yang akan berpartisipasi dalam event ini. Hal ini berkenaan dengan diselinginya bulan puasa di bulan September. Selain itu terdapat sekitar 3.500 member CDC-UI yang notabene para pencari kerja lulusan UI, Gunadarma, Pancasila, IISIP, Trisakti, UKI, Atmajaya, universitas lainnya di Jakarta serta masyarakat umum yang akan turut hadir pada UI Career Expo VI 2008 ini.


1. Bank Mandiri
2. Bank Rakyat Indonesia
3. Pertamina
4. Accenture
5. PT. ANTAM, Tbk
6. Total E&P
7. ExxonMobil Indonesia
8. Shell Indonesia
9. Telkomsel
10. PT. Nissan Motor Indonesia
11. BII
12. Bank Syariah Mandiri
13. ABN Amro Bank
14. Jobstreet
15. DHL
16. Polytron
17. PT. Bank Central Asia , Tbk
18. PT. Mandom Indonesia
19. PT. Jaya Konstruksi MP.
20. PT. Mecoindo Actaris
21. Research International
22. Argha Karya Prima Industry
23. Sinar Mas Pulp & Papers
24. PT. BANK DBS Indonesia
25. PT. Sari Husada
26. Jatis Group
27. Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia
28. Atlas Corp Co.
29. Experd Consultant
30. Selnajaya Recruitment
32. Asih Eka Abadi (International SOS)
33. PT. Repex wahana
34. Prudential Life Assurance
35. PT. Technip
36. Blue Bird Group
37. Bursa Efek Indonesia
38. TRANS7
39. RCTI
41. Lippo Bank
42. Bank Bukopin
43. Bina Nusantara
44. Thiess Indonesia
45. PT. Pfrizer Indonesia
46. Sun Life Financial
47. PT. Permata Bank, Tbk
48. Tabloid Lowongan Kerja
49. Nivea
50. Fren
51. PT. JAC Recuitment, Dll.
52. PT. Indonesia Power


1. Australia Education Center (AEC)
4. British Council
5. IDP Education Australia
6. International Office UI
7. NTUST ( National Taiwan University of Technologi)
8. Asian Insitute of Management ( Manila ), Dll.


Jumat, 07 Maret 2008

Beasiswa UI untuk 1000 Anak Bangsa

Dengan datangnya tahun ajaran baru 2008/2009 Universitas Indonesia menyambut semua Anak-anak Bangsa Calon Pemimpin Masa Depan untuk menjalani proses pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia berkomitmen proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan berkualitas
sebaik mungkin untuk mengejar ketertinggalan bangsa kita tercinta.

Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:

1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan taraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.

Proses pendidikan berkualitas tidaklah murah. Oleh karena itu, kebijakan UI menyempurnakan sistem pembiayaan studi sehingga mahasiswa yang berasal dari keluarga dengan kemampuan keuangan yang baik dapat memberikan kontribusi yang memadai bagi UI. Adapun mahasiswa program SPMB dan PPKB yang berasal dari keluarga dengan keterbatasan keuangan namun memiliki kemampuan akademik
dan non-akademik yang baik, disediakan beasiswa. Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa diberikan berupa bantuan biaya pendidikan dalam bentuk angsuran, pengurangan, atau pembebasan biaya studi bagi mahasiswa baru yang diterima melalui SPMB atau PPKB. Beasiswa hanya berlaku setelah calon mahasiswa dinyatakan diterima di UI melalui dua jalur tersebut dan mendaftar sebagai mahasiswa UI pada tahun ajaran 2008/2009. Mendapatkan surat rekomendasi memperoleh beasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa bukan merupakan jaminan calon mahasiswa tersebut diterima di UI. Calon mahasiswa masih harus berjuang melalui SPMB atau PPKB. Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapan berkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jika diperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan Selain dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secara elektronik. Berkas-berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersebut. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewat telepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail kesma.ui@gmail. com (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab. Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April (cap pos). Setelah melaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswa ini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusan panitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu
gugat. Selamat memilih UI sebagai bagian dari proses belajar mencapai cita-citamu dan harapan bangsa kita tercinta. Jangan takut masuk UI, buang jauh alasan tidak memilih UI karena keterbatasan dana untuk meraih pendidikan Program Sarjana di UI. Mari kita dukung Proses Pendidikan Berkualitas dan Berkeadilan demi kemajuan Bangsa Indonesia.

formulir bisa didapatkan di


Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for Postgraduate studies

The ASEAN Foundation (AF) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) have reached an agreement to develop quality human resources in the member countries of ASEAN through the offering of the AF-AIT scholarships.

The ASEAN Foundation, an initiative of the leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on December 15, 1997 to contribute to the prosperity and a sustainable future for the peoples of all ASEAN countries that now comprise Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and VietNam. He was charged with promoting a greater awareness of the ASEAN and greater interaction between people and their increased participation in the activities of ASEAN as well as to undertake development cooperation activities that promote the ‘Mutual, address equitable economic development and reduce poverty.

The scholarship programme is part of the ASEAN Foundation Scholarships for postgraduate studies and funded by the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund. The Asian Institute of Technology, on the other hand, is an institute post-1959, is a pioneer of the `Asia institution created to help meet the Irkutsk Region, growing needs for advanced training in engineering, science, technology and management, research and capacity building. AIT `s mission is to develop highly skilled and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy.

AIT is based in Thailand and has affiliated centres in other parts of the world. Ten (10) graduate scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals who wish to pursue a master’s degree in AIT. The scholarship covers tuition and other academic expenses, and living allowances for a program of 2 years.

Four (4) grants will be awarded slots under the project “Capacity Building for Women, Poverty and the analysis of mobility development of road transport in the Greater Mekong.”
The six (6) scholarships will be awarded for the different fields of study identified by the ASEAN Foundation as described below.


To be eligible, candidates must:

1. Be a true national ASEAN
2. Keep businesses (normally from a four-year program) or its equivalent in an appropriate field
3. Have above average undergraduate classes (minimum 2.75 CGPA)
4. Fulfil other requirements specified by the school, you apply to
5. AIT is an international institute whose English is the only language of instruction

Admission to the AIT requires proof of proficiency in the English language that can be met in one of the following areas: Presentation of an official test from any customer of the English standardized tests: TOEFL, IELTS , CU-TEP (Thailand), ARC (Lao PDR).

Accept return and / or to serve for at least 2 years in any ASEAN countries after completion of their studies.

Area Studies

The scholarships can be taken in the field of study: School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD)

* Agricultural Systems and Engineering
* Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
* Energy
* Environmental Engineering and Management
* Food Engineering and Technology Bioprocess
* Gender and Development Studies
* Natural resource management
* Technology Pulp and Paper
* Regional and rural development planning
* Management of the urban environment

Interdisciplinary Programs

* Cleaner Production
* Integrated coastal zone management tropical
* Integrated Watershed Development and Management
* Tools modelling environment and resource management
* Disaster preparedness, mitigation and management
* Agribusiness Management

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)

* Construction, engineering and infrastructure management (CEMI)
* Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (GTE)
* Structural Engineering (STE)
* Transportation Engineering (TAR)
* Water Engineering and Management (WEM)

Interdisciplinary Programs

* Information technology and communications technology (ICT)


All interested applicants must meet the following two rounds of applications and submit them to the Admissions Office of the AIT.

* AIT application form (
* ASEAN Foundation scholarships for higher education application form (downloadable)

For the provision of January 2008, the application shall be made on or before December 21, 2007.
Deadline for admission for the month of August is March 31, 2008.
For the month of January 2009 for admission, requests must be made no later than October 31, 2008.

For more information, please contact:
Postal address:
Admissions and Awards Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4 12120,

Admissions and Awards Unit
Asian Institute of Technology 50 Moo 9, km. 42,
Paholyothin Road Pathumthani 12120,

Telephone: (662) 5245031-5033
Fax: (662) 524-6326

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Beasiswa PPSDMS Angkatan IV 2008

PPSDMS (Program Pembinaan Sumber Daya Manusia Strategis) Yayasan Nurul Fikri kembali membuka peluang beasiswa tahun 2008 angkatan IV. Beasiswa diperuntukkan bagi 150 mahasiswa berprestasi dari 7 perguruan tinggi negeri yang ada di Indonesia. Jumlah ini mungkin akan terus bertambah. Doakan saja

Sekilas Tentang PPSDMS

PPSDMS merupakan institusi non-partisan, non-profit, terbuka, profesional, relijius, dan kebersamaan. Lembaga ini berada di bawah naungan Yayasan Bina Nurul Fikri yang melakukan aktifitas seleksi dan rekruitmen serta pembinaan terpadu kepada mahasiswa berprestasi, berpengalaman dalam organisasai, dan memiliki kepedulian sosial tinggi dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Semua kegiatan PPSDMS dilaporkan kepada publik secara terbuka dan bertanggung jawab, serta seluruh aktifitasnya dipersembahkan untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

Beasiswa PPSDMS Angkatan IV

Program beasiswa PPSDMS NF angkatan IV akan berlangsung Agustus 2008 sampai dengan Juli 2010. Sebagaimana angkatan sebelumnya, peserta yang akan dipilih untuk mengikuti program ini berjumlah 150 orang, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

* Regional 1 Jakarta : 30 orang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI)
* Regional 2 Bandung : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)
* Regional 3 Yogyakarta : 30 orang mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
* Regional 4 Surabaya : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) dan Universitas Airlangga (Unair)
* Regional 5 Bogor : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Pelamar yang terpilih menjadi peserta program beasiswa PPSDMS NF angkatan IV akan diasramakan dan berkewajiban mengikuti pembinaan selama dua tahun.

Peserta program akan memperoleh beasiswa senilai Rp 1.200.000,- (satu juta dua ratus ribu rupiah) per bulan
yang meliputi komponen-komponen sebagai berikut:

1. Asrama dan fasilitasnya (antara lain: kamar tidur dan perlengkapannya, ruang belajar, perpustakaan, komputer, printer, dll.)
2. Kurikulum pembinaan yang terdiri dari: berbagai Kajian Keislaman, Dialog Tokoh, Diskusi Pasca Kampus, Training Pengembangan Diri (Kepemimpinan, Manajemen, dll.), Olahraga Beladiri, Training Jurnalistik, dan Training Bahasa Inggris.
3. Uang saku Rp 300.000 per bulan

Peminat Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV harus mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran dengan lengkap secara on-line selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 April 2008.

Keterangan selengkapnya klik di sini

source :

MSc in Mathematical Finance Department of Economics and School of Mathematics The University of Birmingham`s

MSc in Mathematical Finance teaches technically trained graduates - including in Mathematics, Science and Engineering - to apply their quantitative skills to financial analysis. Successful completion of the MSc will qualify students to work in quantitative analysis in City of London Recent advances in theoretical finance and computing power have moved quantitative analysis from the margins of the financial world to its core.

Rigorous quantitative analysis is now involved in everything from the design and pricing of individual assets to the optimisation of whole portfolios. Birmingham`s MSc in Mathematical Finance gives highly motivated, high performing students an opportunity to work in this area. It is taught by two top ranked institutions - its School of Mathematics and its Department of Economics. Students take core courses in financial econometrics, mathematical finance and computational methods. Optional modules allow them to hone further their technical skills (e.g. further mathematical finance) or to broaden their economic understanding (e.g. macroeconomics) .
The MSc accepts students on the basis of quality rather than quantity. In 2007-08, only one in six applicants were offered places. Thanks to a generous private gift from Andrew Fisher (Birmingham economics 1982; CEO Towry Law), six Fisher Scholarships covering full tuition fees are available. Applicants with first class degrees are automatically considered for Fisher Scholarships as well as internal scholarships offered by the Economics Department, covering from a quarter to full tuition fees.

In both cases, scholarships are awarded to the most able applicants, regardless of nationality. Home, EU and overseas students all pay the same fees. This fee structure ensures that the most qualified applicants are accepted, regardless of nationality. Prospective students are encouraged to apply online via the MSc`s website .

Those outside the OECD are encouraged to post any additional material that would help us evaluate their application, including results of standardised assessments such as the GRE and CVs. Non-native speakers of English must attain an IELTS score of 6.5, with no less than 6 in any band. financial institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, or for postgraduate research in mathematical finance.

More information on funding opportunities is provided by the Student Funding Office

The International Office maintains a list of scholarships to which international students may apply.

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis for study to begin in late September. Learn more Emma Steadman,
Department of Economics
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT
Tel: 0121 414 6650


institut UTINAM (UMR CNRS 6213) Besançon, France

9 months, starting as soon as possible considering the time needed by the person retained to get all the administrative papers necessary to work in France.

Financial conditions:
The credits obtained allow us to warrant a gross salary of 1839 € per month, which in reality means 1508 € per month transferred on the bank account.

Requested profile:
The applicant should preferentially have with experience in numerical analysis concerning implementation of the fast wavelet transform in fortran. Experience of parallelization and/or knowledge of Green’s function techniques and/or knowledge of the scattering matrix formalism in optics would be a plus, but are not required. In any case, the person retained must have completed his/her PHD since less than 2 years and NOT be of French nationality!

Therefore, the applicants should enclose in their application, considerations allowing assessing the time they would need to get the authorization to work in France.
Summary of the project:
Since more than 10 years, we have been carrying theoretical studies concerning carbon nanotubes, first in the framework of the French CNRS research group GDR n°1752, then in the European research group GDR-E n°2756). In parallel, we got interested in applying the fast wavelet transform to speed up our simulations which require resolution of integral equations by Green’s function techniques. The limiting step is most of the time the resolution of large and dense systems of linear equations.

The idea was to consider the matrix of the system just as an image and to use the fast wavelet transform and a thresholding process to sparsify it. The resulting sparse system is solved by means of specialized techniques and the solution inverse transformed. This was already part of the subject of Rachel Langlet’s PHD thesis co-supervised by Martin Meyer (Mathematics lab of Besançon) and Michel Devel (UTINAM institute of Besançon), with a great help from Yiwei LI (Xidian University, China) during and after his one-month visit in Besançon in July 2004.

Thanks to these efforts we now have several pieces of fortran 90 codes, which implement this algorithm for real matrices (of arbitrary size, not necessarily a power of 2), with various levels of refinement. First experiments indicate that we can indeed use far less memory than with the traditional LAPACK based code and also gain in computation speed. The goal of this post-doc would be to apply the same technique with complex coefficient matrices and possibly parallelize it. This would allow us to simulate interaction with light of carbon nanotubes or carbonaceous soot, with sizes closer to the actual experimental size of these objects than what we can presently do with the LAPACK based code. Cooperation with experimentalists in these fields is already under way.

Contact person :
Please send a CV and e-mail and phone numbers of some past collaborators to:
Dr. Michel DEVEL
Institut UTINAM,
UMR CNRS 6213 16 route de GRAY,
25030 Besançon CEDEX, FRANCE

E-mail :
Website :

The POSCO Asia Fellowship

The POSCO Asia Fellowship is a scholarship program designed to invite promising Asian graduate students to the Master`s Program at the Graduate School of International Studies(GSIS) , Seoul National University(SNU) , supporting their studies at one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in Korea.

The fellowship, offered by the POSCO TJ Park Foundation, covers full tuitions for up to 4 semesters at GSIS-SNU and monthly living stipends for two years in Korea. A total of 9 fellowships for this year have been awarded to students from Asia. The POSCO Asia Fellowship Foundation has continued to expand the scope of its social contributions and hopes to provide additional Asian countries with more scholarships in the future.

For the Master`s program at GSIS SNU AY 2008, Asian universities are invited to recommend students to the Fellowship. Fellowships are provided to promote mutual understanding between Asian countries and Korea, and to strengthen professional abilities of Asian elite students. Knowledge sharing projects such as the POSCO Asia Fellowship hope to benefit the different societies, economies, and cultures of the world.
Financial Support
Number of Selection AY 2008TuitionDuration Monthly Stipend Duration 5 Full 4 semesters KRW 1,000,000 (USD1,050) 24 months.

Please note that the POSCO Asia Fellowship program only provides tuition and monthly stipend. The program is NOT responsible for other additional spending such as dormitory, travel expenses, visa fee, books, etc. You must be able to manage to pay such costs with the monthly stipend the Fellowship provides.

Further information refer to :

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a research led institution specialising in high quality research that touches people`s everyday lives. Our postgraduate research students are a crucial part of the research community. Each student works with a dedicated team of academic supervisors and receives training in key areas of research. Research students who receive bursaries are expected to participate in the learning and teaching of undergraduate students.

The School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication is proud of its dynamic research culture. QMU was awarded the Queen`s Anniversary Prize in 2002 for the clinical application of speech sciences, and the Speech Science Research Centre continues to be at the forefront of research into speech and communication. The School is also home to the Centre for Health Psychology, as well as fostering a wide range of research into culture, media, public relations and sociology.
QMU is making funds available for up to 7 PhD studentships in our distinctive research areas. Successful applicants will have all fees waived for three years and will receive support with living costs.

Within the School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication studentships are available in:

* Media history
* Culture and politics
* Social policy and justice
* Critical perspectives in public relations
* Intuitive versus rational thinking
* Health psychology in relation to vulnerable / older patients
* Development of externalising behaviours in children
* Influencing life style changes in obese patients with diabetes
* Physical barriers to communication in the elderly
* Methods of eliciting speech and language data in children
* Dyslexia
* Maturational time course of the speech evoked auditory brainstem response

For more information see our website: or email:

The closing date for applications is 26 March 2008.

[Thailand] Health Social Science Scholarship Program at Mahidol University

We are pleased to announce that we have scholarships available for our Health Social Science International Program (HSSIP) at Mahidol University in Thailand.

The Ford Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation are providing a number of scholarships for the 22-month program that begins July 2008, and there will be additional space for those who can obtain their own source of funding.

The applicants eligible for the scholarships are those from China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Vietnam and Thailand. The program provides a multidisciplinary social science approach (sociological, anthropological, economic and psychological) to develop an understanding of how social determinants play roles in affecting health, well- being and illness.

ur study focus concentrates on gender and sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, social transformation and health, and applied health research.
We have attached an application form that you may fill in and submit to us along with your CV to:

The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 March 2008.

The result of selection will be announced within the first week of April 2008. Then pre-requisite course will start on mid July till the end of August and the first Semester will start in September. If our program is in your interest, you could submit the attached application to us, and please forward this message to those in your networks who could benefit from the program.

Please find applicant requirements and additional information about the course by visiting our website at: and emailing us for any further information or questions you may have.

Luechai Sringernyuang, Ph.D.